Types of dental fillings and The Best ones

Types of dental fillings and the best among them

Traditional Dental Fillings:

Modern Dental Fillings:

Each type of these fillings has its advantages and disadvantages, and the appropriate type should be determined by the dentist according to each patient’s condition.

Signs indicating the necessity of replacing a dental filling

If you notice any of these signs, it is important to consult our dentist to evaluate the condition and take appropriate action, whether it is replacing the filling or other treatment procedures.

Types of Tooth Decay

It is a common condition that occurs when the enamel layer and the bacteria in the mouth interact with the sugars in food and drinks ,leading to erosion and destruction of the enamel layer (the outer hard substance of the tooth) and entering the dentin layer (the softer inner part). Tooth decay can be classified according to location and severity, and there are different types, including:

In addition, tooth decay can also be classified according to location, such as superficial tooth decay, pit and fissure decay, interproximal decay, and root surface decay.

The Difference Between Types of Dental Fillings

Silver Fillings:

Cement Fillings:

Composite Fillings:

Ceramic Fillings:

Plastic Fillings:

Wisdom Tooth Filling

Wisdom tooth filling may differ from other dental fillings due to the location of the wisdom tooth in the upper or lower jaw and its difficulty of access and distortion.

When filling a wisdom tooth, decay or damage to the wisdom tooth is treated with a filling like any other tooth, but there may be some factors that affect the filling process and the type of filling used, including:

Wisdom Tooth Location: In some cases, the wisdom tooth may be in a narrow or complex place in the jaw, making the filling process somewhat challenging.

Tooth Size and Structure: Wisdom teeth sizes and shapes vary from person to person ,and they may have deformities that make the filling process more challenging.

Presence of Inflammation or Infection: The wisdom tooth may be inflamed or infected ,usually requiring treatment for inflammation before placing the filling.

Direction and Access: Filling a wisdom tooth may require the use of special tools and specific techniques to effectively reach the tooth.

Considering these factors, it is very important to choose a specialist doctor to avoid any complications that may harm your teeth or lead to extraction.

Contact us for more information.

What Is Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is a condition characterized by the deterioration of teeth due to continuous erosion and damage that occurs in the enamel and dentin layers.

Tooth decay occurs when bacteria in the mouth interact with the sugars in food and drinks we consume, resulting in the production of acids that attack the enamel layer and begin to corrode it.

Over time and with repeated erosion, tooth decay can lead to the formation of small holes in the teeth called “cavities” or “dental caries,” and these cavities can develop and widen over time if decay is not treated, eventually leading to the destruction of the dentin and affecting the internal tissues of the tooth.

Tooth decay may cause pain when it reaches the depths of the tooth and affects the nerves, and it may also cause sensitivity to heat or cold. In advanced cases, it can lead to tooth inflammation and infections.

It is important to prevent tooth decay through good oral hygiene, maintaining a healthy diet ,and regular visits to the dentist for dental examination and evaluation.

Complications of Dental Fillings

These complications are not common in general, but they should be known if any abnormal symptoms appear to maintain oral and dental health.

  1. Severe Sensitivity or Toxic Reaction
  2. Gum Irritation and Temporary Pain due to the natural expansion and contraction of the materials used.
  3. Water or Bacteria Leakage: If the filling is not made or installed correctly ,water or bacteria may leak into the treated tooth, causing new decay or inflammation.
  4. Filling Breakage: The filling may be subject to breakage or erosion over time ,especially if it is subjected to stress or pressure during biting or forces on the tooth.
  5. Change in Filling Color: The color of the dental filling may change over time due to variations in the color of the materials used in the composition, or due to contamination or chemical changes.
  6. Tooth Nerve Inflammation: In some cases, nerve inflammation may occur due to the pressure of the filling on the tooth or the leakage of chemicals into the tooth.

These complications are not common in general, but they should be known if any abnormal symptoms appear to maintain oral and dental health.