Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery – Precision and Expertise

Jaw surgery is one of the most important types of surgery that requires extensive knowledge, precision, and expertise.

Jaw surgery aims to correct jaw deformities and realign teeth to fit the shape of the face. These surgeries require a specialist in maxillofacial surgery along with a specialist in cosmetic dentistry to achieve excellent aesthetic and functional results.

What are the indications for jaw surgery?

There are many cases where surgery is the only solution, including:

Before the surgery

The procedure taken by the doctor varies depending on the patient’s condition, but there are several important things to know before the surgery:

Steps of jaw surgery

Dr. Boulas Jamal’s clinic is one of the best dental centers for jaw surgery due to the availability of a full medical team specializing in maxillofacial surgery. You can request a consultation to determine the best procedure for your condition.

Jaw surgery aims to correct jaw deformities and realign teeth to fit the shape of the face. These surgeries require a specialist in maxillofacial surgery along with a specialist in cosmetic dentistry to achieve excellent aesthetic and functional results.